:: links ::
Kuté Muté collaborator websites!
- fuopy.com - My personal website. I don't update it much right now! xD
- naeris.net - Naeris's website. Go check out some cool stuff like mimiuchi!
These websites are pretty cool!
Want to learn more about Toki Pona? These are some good things to check out...!
- lipu-sona.pona.la - a course on Toki Pona. Covers a lot of the recent dialect changes and is a fun read!
- mun.la - jan Kekan San's toki pona stuff!
VRChat development resources!!
Other cool stuff...!
- arduboy.com - A handheld game system the size of a credit card. I've made games for this thing and it's super duper fun to write for, heh heh.
Copyright (c) 2024 fuopy - last update 2024-03-04 - The use of content on this website for AI training is prohibited.